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Narnia News

It’s been very exciting to see the many press releases about the Narnia carvings recently, in anticipation of the project’s September completion. The Smithsonian, the Guardian and The Sunday Times amongst others….

A number of the carvings are still being worked on, the detail of which- such as Aslan’s mane or Farsight’s feathers- will allow the carvings to be “read” from a distance.

St Mary’s Church, Beverley- Narnia Scheme

Work to the Narnia scheme is well underway- we’re now translating our designs (from the plaster casts) into stone.

It’s been a very interesting and creative process to develop carvings which capture the feel of these characters and we have tried to do this by adding some narrative context- either with a direct reference to an event or by a more general sense of the character’s role in the story- it’s loyalties and/or environment.

St Mary’s has just issued a press release which you can access here.


The “Railway King”

The team has just finished repairing the very-damaged memorial for George Hudson, his wife and children- including repainting the lettering.  The memorial sits in the churchyard of St Peter and St Paul, Scrayingham.

Historic England Committee

Matthias was recently appointed member of the Historic Estate Conservation Committee- a three-year appointment- with the responsibility to advise on the conservation and maintenance of properties within the National Heritage Collection. He was honoured to accept the position.

Conserving St Denys

The tracery has been cleaned, measured, drawn, masoned and fixed, ready to host the medieval glass- conserved by Barley Studios, York. Please see the project page for detailed pics!

Medieval traces


Traces of the past- 13c setting out lines on the tracery pieces of St Deny’s Church, York. Our team are in the process of renewing and repairing these important windows.

SPAB members’ weekend, York

Last weekend, Matthias delivered the keynote address at this year’s SPAB members’ weekend, held in York, where he discussed the complex relationship between historic building conservation and the perpetuation of traditional building crafts- and the impact on training in the UK.

Fundamental to the future of excellence in craftsmanship is continued support for the exchange of skills and knowledge which comes from travel- or freedom of movement- (an essential component of traditional craft training), and an inclusive and collaborative relationship with our European colleagues.

York Design Awards 2017!

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Great news for the Team- the Rigg Monument conservation project has been shortlisted for this year’s York Design Awards. Have a look at the project page for detailed pics. Further info about the awards can be found here:

Master Craftsman Award


Well done Matthias for being awarded The Worshipful Company of Mason’s Master Craftsman’s Certificate Award, 2017. The ceremony was held at the Merchant Taylor’s Hall, London, in February.

York recognition

york guild of building 2016 WP_20141203_007

The Team, being awarded the York Guild of Building Craftsmanship Award for our conservation work at St Martin’s Church, Fangfoss, East Yorkshire.